My watch has ended
After close to a decade at Truecaller, I have decided to say goodbye. It is almost one third of my life that I have spent helping build this company, serving our users, and telling the Truecaller story to millions of people.
Growing up as a 2nd generation immigrant in a suburb where dreams of becoming an entrepreneur was not the norm, I found great inspiration when I heard of what Alan and Nami had created with Truecaller in 2010.
When I first met them together, I instantly knew that I wanted to join the ride. Back then, the term ‘startup’ did not exist in my vocabulary. And I could never have imagined that the product we built would touch the lives of a quarter of a billion people.
This has been my life’s work, and I leave Truecaller extremely wealthy. Wealth measured in experience and friendships. The thing that I treasure the most is all the amazing colleagues and people I have met throughout this journey. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity Alan and Nami gave me, and to be part of so many intimate and life changing moments in the company’s history.
This has been a ride of a lifetime. However, my journey ends here. As I step off my operational role I will continue to support and cheer from the sidelines as a shareholder. The company will move to greater heights, and I have no doubts that it has the potential to reach billions of people!